Monday, February 16, 2009

Ugh, what a day!

I am so glad to realize this day is finally over. With the kids out of school for presidents day today, I decided it was a good day for the girls to get their teeth 8:00 in the morning! I swear I am a glutton for punishment. As I'm trying to get out the door on time, the girls are fighting and picking at each other, so it was not the best start to our day together. Not to mention I woke up this morning feeling like death wormed over.

Things started to look up after the appointment, so I decided to take my three ladies to Bob Evans for breakfast. Man oh man, you wouldn't believe the looks I got. Not in a bad way either. I actually received many "adoring" type looks from older folks. You know, the kind of look that says "Wow, I remember those days, she must be really brave." And I was feeling pretty brave. That was the first time I had taken all three of them to eat somewhere all my myself. I have to say, it actually went off without a hitch. The girls ate their food without fuss, and Delanie chowed down more of my food than I had a chance to. LOL.

Then, after a short stop at home, and the discovery that Kinsley probably contracted ring worm from school, it was off to Kinsley's parent teacher conference. As expected, Kinsley is doing fantastic and is performing well above the majority of her class along with a few other kids in her class. Oh, and her teacher confirmed what I had suspected...Ring Worm! UGH!

So, while trying to keep the girls from killing each other and keep the baby happy and not screaming, I was trying like hell to not fall asleep standing up for the rest of the day. I am so exhausted today and I'm not really sure why. I don't really feel sick I guess, I just feel really run down, if that makes sense. By 4:00 it was time to head to the pediatrician's office to get the "official" diagnosis, and the cream to follow. On a good note, we did manage to get our taxes done this evening and we were pleasantly surprised with the outcome. We finally feel like we can take a breather.

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