Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So my friend is sponsoring a give away for this awesome thermometer! I'm super excited and really really really want to win this one! This is the Exergen Temporal Thermometer and is (to my knowledge) the newest and most high tech thermometer on the market today. Dan and I were just talking the other day about looking into one of these. With having the three kids in the house, a fever is inevitable; it would be so nice to not have to wait and wait for an axillary temp with a regular digital thermometer. Not to mention, the one that we have does not even beep when its done, so you have to sit and watch for the little "f" to stop blinking in order to know when the temp is recorded. Very inconvenient in my world of craziness! So keep your fingers crossed because we could really use this one!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sleepover Night!

Its here! The long awaited sleepover!

I told my brownie troop of (8 girls all age 8 years) that if they met their goal of 1600 boxes of Girl Scout cookies then they could have a sleepover at my house! Well, not only did they meet their goal, they blew it away! As a group they sold 2003 boxes in their initial orders! The best part is that the orders are STILL pouring in! Part of the deal was that when they were all here, they would get to give me a makeover with make up! This should be loads of fun! I'll update tomorrow with a pic of my new look!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I can do it!

I've come to realize today that I can do it. I CAN get on top and stay on top of my laundry. I know I can do it. The only thing I need to get a bit more confident about is the motivation part. It is not that difficult, well at least not as difficult as I seem to make it out to be; to keep up on the laundry. One load a day should do it right? So why do I struggle with this so much? I don't know. But, I am on a mission to prove to myself that I can do it. By this time tomorrow I should have it completely done, except for maybe a load of linens. After that, I should be able to do only one load per day and keep up on it. I may even be able to take the weekends off if I'm willing to do an extra load or two on Monday. I've realized that my laundry is the monster that rules my life and I'm not having it anymore! I've had enough with constantly worrying about who is going to wear what tomorrow. Even though I've always managed to keep enough washed so we all have clean clothes to wear daily, it is still a struggle to sift through the unfolded and basket ridden clothes every morning.

So here it is. My vow to myself and the entire blogging world. I WILL KEEP UP ON MY LAUNDRY. NO MATTER HOW CRAPPY I FEEL, IT WILL NOT BE AN OPTION. Because I know deep inside that if the laundry is not on my mind, I will feel better in the long run.

The Static Eliminator!

Have you heard of these things? I've never heard of them before, until today that is. My friend Dianne is hosting a give away on her blog and after reading about them, I have to say I'm really intrigued. They are completely chemical free, which means I could use them for ALL of our clothes, even the baby's! That would be so awesome to not have to buy 2 different types of dryer sheets. Unlike Dianne, I am too addicted to my dryer sheets to give them up totally, no matter how hard I try to become a "greener" I guess she's just stronger than me ;) From what I gather, these dryer sheets come in a set of 2 and lasts for up to 500 loads! That is freaking awesome!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ugh, what a day!

I am so glad to realize this day is finally over. With the kids out of school for presidents day today, I decided it was a good day for the girls to get their teeth 8:00 in the morning! I swear I am a glutton for punishment. As I'm trying to get out the door on time, the girls are fighting and picking at each other, so it was not the best start to our day together. Not to mention I woke up this morning feeling like death wormed over.

Things started to look up after the appointment, so I decided to take my three ladies to Bob Evans for breakfast. Man oh man, you wouldn't believe the looks I got. Not in a bad way either. I actually received many "adoring" type looks from older folks. You know, the kind of look that says "Wow, I remember those days, she must be really brave." And I was feeling pretty brave. That was the first time I had taken all three of them to eat somewhere all my myself. I have to say, it actually went off without a hitch. The girls ate their food without fuss, and Delanie chowed down more of my food than I had a chance to. LOL.

Then, after a short stop at home, and the discovery that Kinsley probably contracted ring worm from school, it was off to Kinsley's parent teacher conference. As expected, Kinsley is doing fantastic and is performing well above the majority of her class along with a few other kids in her class. Oh, and her teacher confirmed what I had suspected...Ring Worm! UGH!

So, while trying to keep the girls from killing each other and keep the baby happy and not screaming, I was trying like hell to not fall asleep standing up for the rest of the day. I am so exhausted today and I'm not really sure why. I don't really feel sick I guess, I just feel really run down, if that makes sense. By 4:00 it was time to head to the pediatrician's office to get the "official" diagnosis, and the cream to follow. On a good note, we did manage to get our taxes done this evening and we were pleasantly surprised with the outcome. We finally feel like we can take a breather.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Slow Sunday

Well, its only 3:30 and already, I am ready to turn in for the night. LOL. It has been such a slow day, but that is not such a bad thing at this point either. None of us are feeling very well today. Dan has been fighting off a sinus type issue for a few days now, so he's been lying around all day...understandibly. Delanie is cutting a billion teeth at once, so she's been really fussy, today espcially. I am inevidably coming down with some type of head cold/bug. I can feel the tightness in my sinuses and the drainage in my throat. Kinsley is not feeling bad, thankfully. I will know later how Jaelyn is doing once she comes home. On a good note, I do have a turkey breast with stuffing cooking in the crock pot an it smells sooooo yummy!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Can you feel the love?

Valentines Day has come to an end, and I am sitting in my chair reflecting on my day, and a few in the past as well.

Dan and I celebrated our 5th Valentines Day together today. Now, as I sit here, he sleeps calmly on the couch nursing his sore shoulder. On our first Valentines Day together, Dan had flowers sent to his home where he knew I would be when they arrived. He had ordered 11 long stem red roses and 1 pink one. I was really taken aback by this gesture simply because we were really only dating at the time, and had not made any sort of commitment to one another. I was so smitten by the fact that he had paid enough attention to me to know that I would absolutely love the fact that he chose to include just one rose in my favorite color. Every year since that first Valentines Day together, I have received the same bouquet of flowers. This is even more special to me because of the simple fact that I rarely get roses throughout the year, if I get them at all. I am perfectly ok with that, honestly. Dan does lots of little things for me, so I don't feel like I need flowers on a regular basis.

So anyway, each year, I sort of "expect" that I will get my special floral arrangement, and yet, I am still as giddy as a school girl when the flowers arrive; whether delivered by a delivery man or by the man of my dreams. Dan is not a very romantic person by nature, and not so romantic even when he tries. This is the one gesture that I look at as the most romantic thing anyone could do for me, and yet it is such a simple thing. So as I sit here thinking and reminiscing, I am flushed with emotions of love and adoration for this man. I love him on a daily basis, and I cherish him more than most anything in this world. I know the love that he has for me, and I know that our love is strong and secure. That is a wonderful feeling.

Welcome to my world!

Well, I'm new to this whole blogging thing, so I'm not really sure where to start. I guess I'll start by telling you all about my day today.

Since I am a troop leader for my daughter's 2nd grade brownie troop, I had the privilege of picking up the 2003 boxes of cookies that my girls sold this year. I had to be there at 9:24 am. A weird time, I know, but it is really structured out into 7 minute time slots. So Dan and I went, along with Dan's dad and we picked up the cookies. Keep in mind that we live in NW Ohio, and last week it was 50 degrees, and today...snow! LOL. We had to take 2 trucks to fit it all in, but it all worked out great. We got them into the house, and then the fun part came. While everyone else sat and socialized, I sorted, and sorted, and sorted. I only have 8 girls in my troop so it wasn't really bad at all, and I'm not complaining. It is just tedious work that can be very time consuming. Luckily for me, I had the mother-in-law here to entertain the 5 year old and the baby. So about 5 hours later, from start to finish, the cookies are sorted and ready to be picked up. I told all of my parents that they have until Tuesday or I was tossing them on to the curb! LOL. I honestly didn't think I would be able to get them all sorted until tomorrow, so I really surprised myself today. We're off to bowling in a bit, so we get to have some "grown up time" tonight.

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day!